Monday February 2, 2015

3 Investment Lessons From The Super Bowl

Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 3.36.57 PMAround the office this morning many of the conversations revolved around Seahawks offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell’s questionable play that lost them the Super Bowl. I got to thinking about the lesson he learned, and how it and a few others could be applied to investment strategy.




Don’t Get Fancy. Down by 4, on the 1 yard, with 25 seconds left in the game, Seattle tried to surprise the Patriots with the unexpected. Instead of using their powerhouse running back to punch through, they opted for a difficult slant pass hoping to catch the defense off guard. We all know what happened next. I see the same trickery in the financial industry. It’s built on the idea of outsmarting the opponent, known as the benchmark. There are all kinds of products designed to outperform, avoid loss, or guarantee whatever… Sounds good, but little to no evidence exists supporting long term validity of these new fancy strategies. It’s true that some investment managers actually outperform, but their outperformance is typically short lived. Evidence continues to suggest outperforming over the long term is impossible.

Be A Contrarian. Last year the Seahawks gave Denver a beat down in the Super Bowl. Their mid and long range defense crippled Peyton Manning, forcing him to throw little dinky tosses. The result was a game of Bronco turnovers and little yardage. So when everyone expected New England to try something new, what did they do? They didn’t change a thing. They went against conventional wisdom, and executed the same strategy that failed one year ago. In the financial industry, investors are lured into funds based on short term performance. It’s what the investing industry sells us! But when one examines the results of picking investments based on past performance, we learn that conventional wisdom doesn’t always work. In fact, yesterday’s winners turn out to be tomorrow’s losers!

Don’t Give Up. We all saw undrafted Patriots rookie Malcolm Butler read the pass and then outmuscle Lockette for the interception. This was awesome! However, what’s AMAZING was Butler’s resolve in the face of near certain devastation as the clock ticked down. The Patriots were visibly dejected, and many thought Seattle would score. Not Butler. He continued to play as hard as he knew how until the end. It’s hard not to give up when the going gets tough. Like the Patriots defense on that drive, financial markets have faced scary situations. Investors who give in and bail out typically do so at the worst times. The most successful investors are the ones that stay committed, even when it’s hard. A patient stock investor should see an average annual return of around 10% (the S&P 500 has returned 10.1% from 1926 – 2013).

This appeared in my firm’s January newsletter, which came out on Monday. The recycled content (improved grammar, spelling, and verbiage at least somewhat) was too good not to pass on to everyone!

Thanks for reading!

– Greg Lessard, CRPC®

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Monday January 26, 2015

Thinking About Ultra Short Duration Bond Funds For Safety? Go To The Bank Instead.

Occasionally I’m asked what investments to consider for a short time frame. My answer is always the same: NONE! If you’re saving for something short term (3-18 months) like a down payment on house, a tax bill, or a trip, trying to invest in something “safe” can surprise you. Even the safest sounding investments like “ultra short duration bond funds” can experience undesirable losses. The chart below shows the 12 month return of the SPDR SSgA Ultra Short Bond ETF (ULST). Bounces around a bit, doesn’t it?

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My CNBC Fame

Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 12.57.04 PMOk… It’s just a little article, but I thought it was cool. Click the CNBC logo to read my quotes. In the article I discuss the merits of bond funds like the one above. While the author didn’t capture everything I said verbatim, she got my main point; an investor should be rewarded for the risk they’re willing to take, and based on current interest rates this type of bond fund might have to wait a while to see a positive real return.

Ultra Short Duration Defined

This type of fund invests in corporate, government, or a combination of both types of bonds with maturities of 1 year or less. At maturity, a bond holder gets their original investment back, and usually receives interest (technically dividends within an ETF) along the way as a reward for the risk taken. Duration reflects the amount of time expressed in years, a bondholder would have to wait to break even given an interest rate rise. There’s a lot that goes into the calculation, but simply put, the bigger the duration the more the bond price would be impacted if rates shot up. Historically, ultra short bond funds have been pretty boring, and right now there is a lot of hype around using them as hedges against rising interest rates.

The Potential Pitfalls With These Funds

First off, rates are pathetically low. The current yield on ULST is 0.36%. After taxes, inflation, and the potential for price declines, an investor is almost certain to lose money in the short term. Second, let’s say rates do rise this year. Will investors owning these funds be able to commit to holding onto them to recoup their investment via ETF dividend reinvestment? Maybe… Experience suggests that when investments decline further or faster than anticipated, it quickly becomes very difficult to stay invested.

The Alternative

When’s the last time a financial advisor told someone not to invest, but to use the bank instead? Like, never, said the financial advisor… Ok here’s a valid exception. As of today, lists 23 banks offering 1-year CDs with APRs at 1% or more. ETFs are nice because you can sell them for cash at any time, unlike CDs that require a holding period to actually make money. However, CDs are FDIC insured. This means they’re safer investments (if one can actually call it that) than ultra short duration bond funds. At least at this point in time, why take on investment risk for a lower yield when you could buy a safer investment with a higher yield?

The Takeaway

If you want to earn something more than nothing on short term cash, don’t try to get fancy. It’s not worth the risk! Accept that you won’t make much on your short term investment, and just play it safe!

Thanks for reading. Due to the amount of advertising spam I get in the comments section, it’s very difficult to identify real inquiries and comments. As a temporary solution, please shoot me an email at with your questions or comments. Have a fantastic day!

Greg Lessard, CRPC®

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Monday January 19, 2015

2014 Market Review In Headlines



The chart above highlights some of the year’s prominent headlines in the context of broad US market performance, measured by the Russell 3000 Index. These headlines are not offered to explain market returns. Instead, they serve as a reminder that investors should view daily events from a long-term perspective and avoid making investment decisions based solely on the news. The next chart offers a snapshot of non-US stock market performance (developed and emerging markets), measured by the MSCI All Country World Index ex USA. Again, the headlines should not be viewed as determinants of the market’s direction but only as examples of events that may have tested investor discipline during the year.



Within my financial advisory practice, I’ve been discussing how tilting towards different parts of the market has delivered above market returns (referred to as a “premium”). If you missed it, you can read more HERE (scroll down a bit). What investors should understand is that these above average returns aren’t consistent over time. Last year, US large cap stocks significantly outperformed small cap stocks, and within the relative price dimension, large value slightly outperformed large growth. Among small cap stocks, growth outperformed value. Negative returns among large and small caps stocks were similar, while large growth slightly outperformed large value. In the emerging markets, small cap, which had a slightly positive return, outperformed large cap, and growth outperformed value, although both returns were negative.


The mixed results of the size and relative price in 2014 were not unusual from a historical standpoint. Although small cap and value stocks have offered higher expected returns relative to their large cap and growth counterparts, these return premiums do not appear each year. For example, since 1979, US small caps have outperformed large caps in 19 of the 36 calendar years—or 52% of the time. Results are similar for the relative price dimension: Since 1979, value has outperformed growth in 20 calendar years—or 55% of the time. Small cap value has outperformed large cap growth in 58% of the calendar years.

History also has produced multiyear periods in which small caps and value did not outperform large caps and growth. Noteworthy periods include 1984 to 1987 and 1994 to 1998, when small caps underperformed large caps, often by a wide margin each year. Since 1979, the value premium has also experienced extended periods of underperformance—and, in some cases, the differential exceeded 15% margin. The same is true of small value vs. large growth stocks. In the three-year period from 2009 to 2011, both value and small caps underperformed. Yet, despite even extended negative-premium periods, small caps and value have outperformed over time, and when the premiums reversed, they often did so strongly and in multiple years.

Whatever happens in 2015, don’t be surprised. The market is unpredictable, so accept it. It can drop 10% in a week and then recover to finish the month strong. The headlines tracking these ups and downs can evoke very powerful emotions. It’s no wonder so many investors get caught up the mania we’re all bombarded with. Just remember, if your long term plan is solid, don’t change it based on short term news.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Greg Lessard, CRPC®

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Wednesday January 14, 2015

Visually Compelling Content You’ll Want To See, Aspen Leaf Partners Updated Website

Whether you’re a client at my practice Aspen Leaf Partners, or just following my blog, take a few minutes to see what I’ve been up to over the last 2 months. My company’s updated website arrives in a more simplified format, with new content such as model investment portfolios, fees, and a sample financial plan. It’s not yet optimized for mobile devices, so for now it’s best viewed on your computer.

Visit our homepage HERE.

If there is something you think could be improved upon, please let me know. I’m more of a left brained guy (the OCD, engineer, non creative type), so I definitely value your creative ideas.

Thanks and have a great day!

– Greg Lessard,

Monday January 12, 2015

How To Handle Investment Volatility In Your Portfolio

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 10.02.30 AMI’ve been in the financial services industry for two and a half full market cycles, and I’ve learned something about investor behavior during that time. When the market is generally going up, investors are overconfident in their ability to handle investment volatility. It’s when the market declines over a period of time (that we actually notice) or if it drops very quickly is when our long term game plan gets tossed out the window. The current bull market will turn 6 years old less than 2 months, but it hasn’t been all rainbows and unicorns getting here. From April 2010 to July 2010, the S&P 500 lost over 12%, from July 2011 to August 2011 the S&P 500 dropped 14%. More recently, January 2014 saw a 5% dip and October 2014 saw a 9% decline, the latter occurring in less than a week. Just last week the Dow dropped 0.75% and 1.8% on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. Ok ok, enough, I’m convinced nothing is ever tidy and smooth. So what is an investor to do?

When Markets Decline, Your First Move

Is not to trade anything in your portfolio. If you’re uncomfortable with something you hear in the news, call your financial advisor and ask for their thoughts. A good financial advisor will discuss the long term results of sticking to the plan. Here’s a tip: if they say something like “Yeah, I saw that CNBC story too. I agree cutting our exposure to stocks is a wise idea, I’ll take care of it in your account right away.” you should immediately begin shopping for a new financial advisor. Or, if you don’t think you can do it yourself just hire the same monkeys (yes, real monkeys. like, the animal kind…) that beat the pros.

Why Volatility Is Happening

In some ways, the increase in volatility in recent weeks could be just as much a reflection of the fact that volatility has been very low for some time. Investors in aggregate were satisfied in 2013 with a low price on risk, but now they are applying a higher discount rate to risky assets. So the increase in market volatility is an expression of uncertainty. Markets do not move in one direction. If they did, there would be no return from investing in stocks and bonds. As to what happens next, no one knows for sure. That is the nature of risk. In the meantime, investors can help manage their risk by diversifying broadly across and within asset classes. We have seen the benefit of that recently as bonds have rallied strongly in the 4th quarter of 2014.

For Those Still Anxious, Here Are 7 Simple Truths To Help:

  1. Don’t make presumptions. Remember that markets are unpredictable and do not always react the way the experts predict they will. When central banks relaxed monetary policy during the crisis of 2008-09, many analysts warned of an inflation breakout. If anything, the reverse has been the case with central banks fretting about deflation.
  2. Someone is buying. Quitting the equity market when prices are falling is like running away from a sale. While prices have been discounted to reflect higher risk, that’s another way of saying expected returns are higher. And while the media headlines proclaim that “investors are dumping stocks,” remember someone is buying them. Those people are often the long-term investors.
  3. Market timing is hard. Recoveries can come just as quickly and just as violently as the prior correction. For instance, in March 2009—when market sentiment was at its worst—the S&P 500 turned and put in seven consecutive months of gains totalling almost 80%. This is not to predict that a similarly vertically shaped recovery is in the cards, but it is a reminder of the dangers for long-term investors of turning paper losses into real ones and paying for the risk without waiting around for the recovery.
  4. Never forget the power of diversification. While equity markets have turned rocky again, highly rated government bonds have flourished. This helps limit the damage to balanced fund investors. So diversification spreads risk and can lessen the bumps in the road.
  5. Markets and economies are different things. The world economy is forever changing, and new forces are replacing old ones. This applies both between and within economies. For instance, falling oil prices can be bad for the energy sector but good for consumers. New economic forces are emerging as global measures of poverty, education, and health improve. A recent OECD study shows how far the world has come in the past 200 years.1
  6. Nothing lasts forever. Just as smart investors temper their enthusiasm in booms, they keep a reserve of optimism during busts. And just as loading up on risk when prices are high can leave you exposed to a correction, dumping risk altogether when prices are low means you can miss the turn when it comes. As always in life, moderation is a good policy.
  7. Discipline is rewarded. The market volatility is worrisome, no doubt. The feelings being generated are completely understandable and familiar to those who have seen this before. But through discipline, diversification, and understanding how markets work, the ride can be made bearable. At some point, value re-emerges, risk appetites reawaken, and for those who acknowledged their emotions without acting on them, relief replaces anxiety.

Lesson From Aspen Leaf Partners Message To Investors

Investing is simple, but not easy. It’s simple because it’s the basic concepts of diversification, low fees, and committing to the long term that make for the most sensible investing. Investing is difficult because everything I just mentioned isn’t what conventional money management offers. Even with professional help, the investors I regularly speak with still lack proper educational framework and long term portfolio expectations. I’ve seen how easy it is to succumb to the temptation of getting out of the market when it’s nerve wracking as well as buying into the allure of trying to outperform the market. The result of this behavior is an investment account balance usually far below what it could be. 

In 2015, I’ll be focusing more on portfolio expectations with clients in my practice. It’s vital to match an investor with the most appropriate amount of portfolio risk in the context of their goals. If you’d like an educational framework on what to expect for a given level of investment risk, feel free to reach out to me. Thanks for reading a have a great day!

– Greg Lessard, CRPC                                                                                                                                                                                                 Founder & President

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1.‘How Was Life? Global Well-Being Since 1820’, OECD, Oct 2, 2014.


Thursday January 8, 2015

How To Simplify Your Portfolio

SimplifyIn my year end newsletter to clients I talked about simplifying the financial planning process as well as reducing the number of investments in client portfolios. In this blog post I’ll be discussing why “less is better” if done correctly in an investment portfolio. First we’ll talk about why simplifying your investment portfolio is advantageous, then I’ll give you specific examples on how to simplify your portfolio.

Wait, Don’t I Need A Lot Of “Stuff” In My Portfolio?

No! When I speak with investors not currently working with my company, more often than not two themes appear with regular consistency. First, investors believe having a larger number of investments represents safety (that diversity thing). Second, when you look under the hood of their investment portfolio, I find people investing in a lot of the same stuff.

Challenging The Belief That More Investments Are Better

Most folks believe investing is complicated (maybe it is, but just a little). Therefore, they tend to feel more comfortable owning a portfolio of 12 mutual funds, 7 ETFs, and 15 stocks versus a portfolio of just 3 or 4 funds. While it’s possible to obtain fairly broad diversify with only a few funds, many people would feel they’re missing out on something. It’s easy to see why our investment behavioral bias would leave us feeling this way. What I’ve found is that when I explain the breadth of diversity they could achieve with fewer investments, most folks tend to relax their attitude that more is better. When I further show that reducing the amount of investments can maintain (and in many cases improve) diversification, reduce risk, improve tax efficiency, reduce trading costs, and lower fund expenses they really start to get on board. Once an investor has a basic education on proper portfolio design, they can usually let go of their old school thinking. They end up with that same “ahhhh” feeling you get after cleaning out your basement and dropping off all your unused stuff off at the thrift store. Investors who reduce portfolio clutter either on their own or by hiring me feel in control. When an investor feels in control, they become better equipped to be disciplined investors committed to the long term. How powerful!

When You Buy A Lot Of Stuff, Overlap Happens

When you have investment overlap, the portfolio you think you own isn’t the portfolio you actually own. Simply said, you may think you are investing in a balanced portfolio, but duplication in stocks or bonds can skew the portfolio more aggressively or more conservatively than your liking. Not good. It’s rare a portfolio actually represents what the investor believes it represents. To give you an example of overlap, you may own Apple stock, but it may also appear in your large cap growth fund, your S&P 500 index fund, your tech fund, and your world stock fund. With that kind of exposure, APPL stock could easily climb to 10 or 15% of your entire portfolio. Such concentration doesn’t align with diversification, does it?

Ok I’m Convinced I Need To Look Into This, What Do I Do?

Well, without trying to come across like the typical salesman, call me! I can quickly create an analysis showing your stock, sector, and country overlap. Without even ever becoming a client a my company, we can discuss which investments can be eliminated, as well as asset classes you may be lacking (adding diversity). If you prefer, you can create a free account at, and use their Portfolio Manager. Even in their free version, the analysis is fairly robust, giving you insight on where and what you’re invested in. Here’s a sample of part of the output you can generate.

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If you’re not familiar with the style box analysis, or if you get bogged down trying to figure out which holdings can be eliminated, just let me know. I’ll get you back on track.

Putting All The Pieces Together

Once an investor determines what portfolio sprawl can be eliminated, they need to find differentiating investments to capture all parts of the investable universe. I accomplish this using index funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs), but you can also use mutual funds if that’s what you’re comfortable with. If you’re unsure what investments to buy, Morningstar offers free fund screeners for both ETFs and mutual funds. To give you an idea of what your new, refreshingly simple portfolio could look like, the portfolios I use with clients have 8 funds, contains over 20,00o individual stocks and bonds, invest in over 40 countries, and on average cost 0.26% in fund expenses. The returns aren’t too shabby either.

Remember, I’m here to help. I genuinely care about building inexpensive, globally diversified portfolios. It’s pretty easy to get bogged down with portfolio design. I can help you take the guess work out of it. Together we can raise your portfolio confidence and free up time so you can focus on other stuff in life. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Greg Lessard, CRPC
Founder & President


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Wednesday December 31, 2014

Your Financial Resolutions for 2015?

It’s cliche to initiate conversations about fresh starts this time of year. I’m going to do it anyway, but with a twist. Before I ask you to share what you’re going to do different, I think it’s only fair I discuss what I’m going to do different.

First, I’m not going to check emails and voicemails after I leave the office at the end of each day. I think I have a bit of OCD wiring where I feel compelled to return voicemails and emails as fast as they come in. While I won’t abandon responding in a timely manner, I’m going to try my best to use my evenings for family.

Second, I’m going to stop assuming clients are freaking out about a financial challenge. This happened to me 3 times since I started my own company. Something that I assumed was going to be a point of contention with clients wasn’t actually a big deal to them. I will commit to not getting hung up on stuff that clients have already committed to overcoming.

Last, I’m going to focus my company recruiting efforts better. In the past I’ve brought on advisors and staff that had different philosophies and approaches to portfolio design, the financial planning process, or general work flow. I found that advisors and staff who don’t operate like me or believe what I believe can be challenging. This robs everyone of time we could have been using on other tasks. I’m committing to changing my inability to say “no” to folks who want to join Aspen Leaf Partners. Not everyone is a good fit, and I know exactly what I’m looking for now.

Ok, your turn! I’ve shared how I’m going to make my business life better. Now you share how you’re going to make your financial life better. Here are some ideas to help get you started:

1. Inventory all your investment and bank accounts so you have idea of where every dollar is. What you’ll find is you probably have more money than you thought. Most times (I SAID MOST), you’ll feel better about your financial situation as well as more organized! You could create a free account at Mint allows you to create a budget (uggggg hate those…), set up alerts so you don’t overspend, and track your bank / investment accounts. Thumbs up on this service!

2. Get clarity on your goals and values. Our goals are the tangibles like “I want to buy a boat next year”. Values are more of the “why” behind the goal. For example, “It’s important to me to have a boat because it will make my neighbors jealous while bolstering my ego”. Obviously having fun with this, but you get the idea. Once your goals and values are clear, financial decisions are easy! I can help with all parts of this, so call me if you get stuck.

3. Execute on the financial tasks you’ve been putting off. Do you need to change your 401K investment selections, save more, or restructure an insurance policy? What’s been the holdup? Do you need confirmation from someone else? Do you need a reminder? Our reasons for not doing things we know we should are usually addressed and overcome with much less pain than we thought. Relating this to finance; having a financial plan is a start, actually doing the stuff you need to do is what makes the difference.

Whatever you decide is important to work on in 2015 is commendable. Pat yourself on the back! However, if you share your intentions with someone it becomes very powerful! So here’s where I’ll call you out. Decide on what you’re going to change and share it with someone! It could be a friend (meh, ok), a spouse (really good), a colleague (nah, too easy to let yourself off the hook), or me (I’d love to hear from you). So now that you have some framework, what are your financial resolutions for 2015?

Thanks for reading. Have a prosperous and healthy New Year!

– Greg

Monday December 22, 2014

How To Diversify Your Holidays

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To the left is an ideal holiday allocation, modeled after what I expect to take place at my house over the next week. Notice Napping representing the largest portfolio weight :). I hope some, if not all of these holiday activities find their way into your schedule as well.

If you’re a client with Aspen Leaf Partners, thank you very much for your business! I’m very grateful we’ve chosen to trust us with building your investment portfolios and researching your financial plan.

If you’re not a client at Aspen Leaf Partners, thanks for checking out my blog! Remember that with any of the topics I write about, you can always approach me for insight into your own particular situation. We’re not salespeople, and we don’t pressure anyone to do business with us. We don’t even ask for business unless we can make a dramatic difference. It also helps that we don’t sell anything. This fact makes our advice is as unbiased as possible (something you don’t always get in this industry). Hope to hear from you soon!

Have a great two weeks. Cy’all in 2015!

– Greg



Tuesday December 16, 2014

Why You Should Avoid The Financial Media

We’re often told the more effort and energy we put into something, the better the result we’ll get. This couldn’t be farther from the truth when it comes to investing. Hyperactivity in investment attention is not well correlated with a high sense of investor control. Most of us could benefit from letting go of our negative habits of trying to stay plugged into financial media. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything. What it means is you should have a general understanding of long term market trends, how your portfolio is constructed, and why your investments make the most sense for your big picture financial goals.


The Media Effect On Investor Behavior

This Businessweek cover is probably the most widely made fun of prediction for being so silly and wrong. This issue came out in August, 1979 about a few days before I celebrated my 1st birthday. Once the issue arrived at my parent’s house and I had a chance to glance at the cover, I immediately placed a call to my broker to sell my entire stock portfolio.









You’re probably chuckling at 1. the hilarity of this hypothetical scenario, and 2. that I actually had a photo on my 1 year birthday in which I’m holding a phone. While I make fun of this situation, it illustrates a valid point. If I actually had any invested money and reacted to this headline, I would’ve missed a whole lot (like, a real lot…). If I had stayed out of the market the 12 months following my stock sells, I would’ve missed a 14.76% gain. If I had stayed away five years, I would’ve missed a 51.94% gain. If I had stayed away until I was old enough to buy beer (legally like I should’ve) I would’ve missed a 1,073.35% gain. Had I never became a financial advisor or ever invested again, I would’ve missed a whopping 1,791.29% gain.

Why It’s Imperative You Don’t React To Media Garbage

Since that fateful issue the financial media continues to pepper us with a constant barrage of attention grabbing headlines. Look at these valuable (sarcastically rolls eyes) recent headlines illustrating how absurd their timing is.

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We have to remember two important lessons. First, the media is designed to capture our attention so it can continue to receive sponsorship dollars from advertisers. What they recommend or say should rarely be taken as valid investment advice. Second, any headline, advice, or strategy touted by anyone who isn’t your financial advisor is usually just entertainment. It’s extremely rare that what they recommend or say should ever be taken as valid investment advice (had to say it twice and in bold for effect)! 

How To Increase Your Long Term Investment Success

Want to know the secret? Focus on what you can control. Here are 3 things you can control:

1. Understand risk. It’s important to understand the historical ups and downs of the market so you can pick a risk appropriate portfolio. Having knowledge of how a certain portfolio is likely to behave helps define your performance expectations, and it certainly helps keep you invested even when it’s hard.

2. Diversify broadly. A mix of US stocks, bonds, international investments, real estate, and other asset classes can drastically reduce risk. Also, remember to let go of your US investment bias. 72% of the world’s bonds and 51% of the world’s stocks are based outside the US!

3. Reduce Expenses. Higher fees don’t always correlate with better performance. In fact, most of the time the opposite is true. It’s not like buying a car where you’ll get more if you buy an Audi versus a low end Hyundai (sorry Mom, I know you love your Elantra). Investment dollars not siphoned off to investment expenses or tax inefficiencies add up over time.

Thanks for reading this post. I enjoyed researching and writing this blog “Why You Should Avoid The Financial Media”. If you have questions regarding your personal investments or how market events reported by the media should influence what you do, please reach out to me!

Here’s To Turning Off CNBC This Holiday Season,

Greg Lessard, CRPC®

Founder & President


Monday December 8, 2014

Should I Add Commodities To A Globally Diversified Portfolio?

Probably not. Recently I ran two hypothetical tests on a basic, Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.47.26 PMglobally diversified portfolio (the one you’re looking at to the right). The general allocation I used follows a traditional 60/40 blend of stocks and bonds. Since I wanted to test if commodities were worthy of a spot in my client’s portfolios, I used low cost, index style investments with slight “tilts” towards small company stocks as well as value stocks. If you want to know more about how an investor can benefit from this portfolio structure, you can read more HERE. To test the commodities position I used a broad based commodities ETF. Primarily I used Monte Carlo statistical analysis to project expected risk versus expected return over a 10 year time horizon. I also looked at back tested data to see which was the highest returning portfolio. First I tested an allocation of 3% to commodities, then decided to test a higher allocation (8%) to see if it created more of an impact one way or the other. 

A Portfolio Without Commodities Seems To Do Better

When I tested a 3% allocation to commodities, average annualized returns fell from 5.31% to 5.22%, and risk basically stayed the same. Big deal, right? However, when I tried an 8% allocation to commodities, annualized returns sank down to 5.06%. However, I did notice a measurable reduction in risk with the 8% allocation to commodities. Overall though, results suggest that adding commodities to a globally diversified portfolio hinders growth.

Challenges With The Hypothetical Test

First off, I tested adding commodities to a globally diversified 60/40 portfolio. Most people don’t actually a portfolio as diverse the underlying proxies I used in my test model. That said, adding commodities to a less diversified portfolio may provide a higher degree of benefit. Additionally, the test couldn’t account for portfolio rebalancing of any kind. Sorry, my research technology simply isn’t capable of that. However, most individuals aren’t familiar with the mechanics of when and how to rebalance anyway, so it’s probably pretty accurate real life behavior modeling.

The Big Picture and What You Can Do To Increase Return and Lower Risk

First off, get globally diversified. Here’s an excerpt from a recent newsletter I prepared for my clients:

Only 49% of the world’s investable stock, and 28% of the world’s investable bonds are US based. If an investor had only been invested in large, US companies over the decade January 2000 – December 2009, they would’ve seen a return of -9.1%. If they would have maintained a diversified global portfolio, they would have seen the following returns: 175.6% return in real estate, 48.7% return internationally, 121.3% return on US small company stocks, 154.3% return on emerging market stocks, and 82.0% return on government bonds.

Second, evaluate what you want to achieve from your investments. If you want to lower risk in an already diversified portfolio, then you might want to aim to include an 8% allocation to commodities. If your goal doesn’t just revolve around reducing risk, and you want to balance cost, tax efficiency, liquidity, and return, then you probably want to stay away from commodities.

Last, if you made it this far into the blog post and you have a headache, but still want to know if adding commodities to your portfolio makes sense, just ask me! It’s easy for me to plug commodities in with your current investment lineup to see what impact it creates. No cost, no commitments required.

Thanks for reading!

Greg Lessard, CRPC®


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